New preprints on social functional smiles and laughter
Check out two recent preprints (currently under review) on the social functions of laughter and smiles!
Martin et al. uses topic modeling, semantic similarity judgments, a smile posing paradigm, and a simulated behavioral economics game to demonstrate that people understand different smiles to have different social meanings. The solo-author paper by Adrienne Wood is the first demonstration that different social contexts elicit distinct types of laughter.
Wood, A. (under review). Social context influences the acoustic properties of laughter.
Martin, J., Wood, A., Cox, W., Sievert, S., Nowak, R., Gilboa Schechtman, E., Zhao, F., Witkower, Z., Langbehn, A., & Niedenthal, P. (under review). Reward, Affiliation, and Dominance Smiles are Associated with Distinct Mental Content
With permission from Martin et al. (under review).